minimising risk...protecting reputation...maximising performance
Our Tools
Culture Audit
We diagnose organisational culture and effectiveness using a variety of quantitative and qualitative instruments.
A structured interview process
Leadership 360 appraisals
Emotional Intelligence analytics
Pulse Surveys
MBTI Steps 1 and 2
FIRO – Human Elements
Thomas Kilman - Conflict and Negotiating skills assessment
MoralDNA™ - Values and Ethics profiling and analytics
The Art and Science of effective Decision Making
Principled Leadership
Building a Culture of Integrity
Key Strategic Imperatives (KSI) – 6xP’s (Sales) and Triple B (Creative)
Managing Conduct Risk
Negotiating and Influencing skills
Executive Coaching skills
By using combinations of the above we are able to provide organisations with detailed insights into their current culture.
Culture of Integrity:
As a result of these findings we will then recommend various follow–on Workshops and Masterclasses (some examples given below), as well as Executive offsites:
“There is a tide in the affairs of men which taken at the flood leads on to fortune – omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in misery” – Shakespeare, Julius Caesar